Static Pods

Describe about Static Pods

Static Pods is the one way the kubelet use to create the Pod without kube-api-server so it mean we didn't need to have cluster. The way we doing is configure the designator folder that we store the pod-definition.yaml (pod template). Whenever this file is updated or removed, the corresponding Pod is automatically updated or removed accordingly. There are 2 option for configure this path folder:

  1. --pod-mainifest-path=/path ( default path = /etc/Kubernetes/manifests )

  2. -- config=kubec-config.yaml and inside the config file you need to add this property

staticPodPath: /etc/Kubernetes/manifests If we create the Pod which this way but we have Master Node (have kube-api-server) the Node will be read only for this Pod It can only view but can't update or remove except you update or remove the definition file


  • For the Pod that was created by kubelet the name of the Pod will always be <pod_name>-<node_name>

  • It will ignore the Kube-scheduler


  • When the service is crash and restart we still can recover the Pod by kubelet from definition file

CheatSheet command

  1. Check the static pod path: cat /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml

  2. Create static pod: kubectl run <pod_name> --image=<image_name> --restart=Never --dry-run=client -o yaml > <file_name>.yaml

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