Instance Types

For EC2 instance that AWS provided, there are many types of EC2 for user to use.

the naming convention of EC2 type it include 3 part.


name: m5.2xlarge

m: instance class

5: generation

2xlarge: size within instance class

There are 4 Instance type categorized by usage

  1. General Purpose

  2. Compute Optimized

  3. Memory Optimized

  4. Storage Optimized

General Purpose

It balance every kind of spec (compute, memory and networking) . including t2.micro etc.


  • normal webserver

Compute Optimized

this instance recommend for high performance processor (High CPU). including C6g etc. (C = CPU)


  • Batch Processing

  • Dedicated game server

  • HPC (High performance computing)

Memory Optimized

this instance recommend for large data sets in memory (High RAM). including R6g etc. (R = RAM)


  • Application real time processing

  • BI

  • High performance relational/non-relational DB

Storage Optimized

this instance recommend for high read and write access to large data sets on local storage.


  • High Online transaction procession

  • Warehouse Application

Last updated