
Describe about DNS Record

For record is the configuration that we need to configure about how you want to route traffic for a domain.

Eache Record contains:

  • Domain/ Subdomain name ->

  • Record Type: A or AAAA

  • Value: (IP)

  • Routing Policy (How Route 53 responds to queries

  • TTL (Time of record cached at DNS resolver)

There are many Record Types .

  1. Type A

  2. Type AAAA

  3. Type CNAME

  4. Type NS

  5. Type Alias

Record Type

(1) Type A

It maps a hostname to IPv4.

(2) Type AAAA

It maps a hostname to IPv6.

(3) Type CNAME

It maps a hostname to another hostname and target must have A or AAAA record. It is not able to create for and but able for

e.g map our domain to load balancer domain.

(4) Type NS

It maps a hostname to another Name servers for Hosted Zone or Another Name Server.

(5) Type Alias

It maps a hostname to an AWS resource except EC2 DNS name. It similar to CNAME but it is able to create for Root Domain( and Non Root Domain( Moreover It still has health check feature. The drawback is you are not able to set TTL for it.

Record TTL

There 2 usecases

  1. Low TTL = If the browser has a less ttl then we can ensure the records is up to date but we will have a lot of traffic to Route 53 instead.

  2. High TTL = If the DNS updated the data then browser still is not able to access because it still use cache data.

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