Describe about What is ReplicaSet ?
It is the component that replica the pod for availability
and load balance
CheatSheet Command
Get ReplicaSet :
kubectl get rs
Create ReplicaSet:
kubectl apply -f <file_name>.yaml
Describe information of ReplicaSet:
kubectl describe rs <replicaset_name>
Delete ReplicaSet:
kubectl delete rs <replicaset_name>
Edit ReplicaSet:
kubeclt edit rs <replicaset_name>
after use this command you need to remove existing pod manually to let it recreateCheck the apiVersion of the template:
kubectl explain rs
Execute command from file
kubectl apply -f <file_name>.yaml
Scale Pod by ReplicaSet:
kubectl scale rs --replicas=<amount_of_pod> <replicaset_name>
(It will down or create new pod automatically)
Last updated