ASG or Auto scaling group it is a service of AWS that use to scale out/in for EC2
instance. ASG are free but you need to pay for the new instances that running. You need to specify
(1) Minimum capacity (Numbers of minimum instance)
(2) Desired Capacity (Numbers of current running instance)
(3) Maximum capacity (Numbers of maximum instance)
Scaling Policies
(1) Dynamic Scaling
Target Tracking Scaling = It is most simple way you can set up in ASG byyourself example: I want the average ASG CPU to stay around 40 % if not it will scale out.
Simple/Step Scaling = It use AWS Cloud watch alarm to trigger ASG. example: When CPU > 70% then add 2 units.
Scheduled Actions = It is a pattern that we can customize for trigger. example: increase the min capacity to 10 at 5 pm on Fridays.
(2) Predictive Scaling
It will forecast load and you can set the rule to scale it.
After a scaling activity happen, ASG will cooldown (default 300 sec). During this time ASG will not launch or terminate additional instance. Advice: Use AMI to reduce configuration time in order to be serving request fasters and reduce the cooldown period.
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