Spring Boot Annotaion

Describe about usability for each annotaion in spring boot


This annotaion will be declared on the method inside the class that has @Configuration for create a object or bean.


This annotaion will be declared on the class and when application start , spring will look for @Bean then generate bean (create object) for each method that has @Bean to spring container at runtime.


This annotaion will be declared on the class and object will be created from this class to spring container.


When you have 2 objects with the same class but inside difference , This annotaion will determine which one is the main.


// 2 method for create bean

 public RestTemplate createRestTemplate(){
     return new RestTemplate(1000,"rest1"); 
 public RestTemplate createRestTemplate2(){
     return new RestTemplate(2000,"rest2"); 
 //This service will create resttemplate2 
 public class Service {
     private RestTemplate rest2;


This annotaion will be declared on the class or method and use for load configuration from application.properties.


// Create class
public class UserConfig {
    private String username;
    private String password;
    public UserConfig(){
        return new UserConfig();



This annotaion will be declared on the class for create a immutable object with builder pattern.


This annotaion will be declared on the class for generate constructor. It will generate constructor for only attribute that has final or @NonNull.


// Create class
public class User{
    private String username;
    private String password;
    private String email;
    // This is constructor that will be generated 
    public User(String username,String password){
        this.username = username;
        this.password = password;


This annotaion will be declared on the class that including @ToString , @EqualsAndHashCode , @Getter/@Setter and @RequiredArgsConstructor.


This annotation will be declared on the class for configure @Getter/@Setter.


@Accessor(chain = true) it will determine setter method to return this instead void.

// Create class
@Accessor(chain = true)
public class User{
    private String username;
    private String pass;

//Can create object with this strategy
new User().setUsername("user").setPass("pass");  


This annotaion will be declared on the class for generate constructor with all attributes.


// Create class
public class User{
    private String username;
    private String pass;
    private String email
    // This is constructor that will be generated 
    public User(String username,String password,String email){
        this.username = username;
        this.password = password;
        this.email = email;


This annotation will be declared on attribute inside the class for mandatory value (not null value).


This annotation will be declared on attribute inside the class that the value mustn't be empty.


This annotaion will be declared on attribute inside the class that the value mustn't be null and empty.


This annotation will be declared with parameter for validation value. It validate by using JSR-303 or javax.validation on method and can use on attribute for nested object.


This annotaion will be similar to @Valid but it supports for validation in group level and declares on the class.


This annotaion will be declared on the class or method for rollback SQL query. It will create proxy for method or class that add this annotaion (Proxy Pattern) , if unchecked exception occur it will rollback SQL query. For handle check exception you can use @Transactional(rollBackFor = "TestException.class" ) or (noRollBackFor = "TestException.class"). Furthermore the class implement interface class or the method that access modifier doesn't public can't use this annotation.


// popular
@Transactional(noRollbackFor = { SQLException.class })
public void createCourseDeclarativeWithNoRollBack(Course course) throws SQLException {
    throw new SQLException("Throwing exception for demoing rollback");


This annotaion will be declared on attribute inside object class to determine this class mustn't return this field in the response of endpoint.


//Create class
public class User{
    private String username;
    private String pass;
    private String email;

// The response of endpoint that use User class
    "username": "user",
    "email": "test@mail.com"


This annotation will be declared on the class for manage about ignore properties in JSON so it has much custom feature than @JsonIgnore.


// Create class
public class User{
    private String username;
    private String pass;
    private String email;

// The response of endpoint that use User class
    "username": "user"

Last updated