πΈRoute 53
Describe about Route 53
Route 53 is a highly avialable , scalable fully manged and Authoritative
DNS. In addition it is also a Domain Registrar and has ability to check the health of your resources.
Authoritative = the customer(you) can update the DNS records.
What is DNS ?
DNS which translates the human friendly hostnames into the machine IP addreses.
Explain DNS Domain
For full path : http://api.www.example.com
Url: http://api.www.example.com
Protocol: http
FQDN(Fully Qualified Domain Name): api.www.example.com
Sub Domain: api
, www
Second Level Domain (SLD): example
Top Level Domain (TLD): com
Root Domain: example.com
How DNS works ?
Browser ask the Local DNS server (Managed by ISP) .
ISP ask to Root DNS server: Do you know
? then Root DNS said "You should ask TLD DNS server"Next we ask to TLD DNS server: Do you know
? then TLD DNS said "I know only.com
for more information you should ask SLD DNS server"Next we ask to SLD DNS server: Do you know
? then SLD DNS said "I know onlyexample.com
.Then we send to Destination IP address back to ISP and Browser.
Browser and Local DNS will cache the IP .
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