Purchasing Options

There are 7 ways for puchasing options

  1. On-Demand

  2. Reserved

  3. Saving Plans

  4. Spot instance

  5. Dedicated Hosts

  6. Dedicated Instances

  7. Capacity Reservations

(1) On-Demand

It is a plan that pay for what you use .This plan has the highest cost but no upfront payment and long-term commitment.


  • short-term workload (because it is expensive plan)

(2) Reserved

It is a plan that we need to specify instance attributes (Instance type , Region and OS) to be reserved.

the reservation period is 1 year or 3 years.It is able to change the instance type and OS but need to pay more.


  • Database

  • Steady-state usage applications

(3) Saving Plan

It is similar to Reserved but we didn't reserve instance and more cheaper . we commit the certain type of usage such as ($10 / 1 hour for 1 or 3 years) If you spend EC2 more than this 1 hour in the day you need to pay in On-demand. This plan will lock to specific instance family and region.


  • longterm-usage (but we need to know limitation)

(4) Spot Instance

This plan has different mechanism to get the instance. It is most cost efficeint instances in AWS. You need to define max spot price if current spot price < max spot price , you will get the instance. If current spot price > max spot price , your instance will be stopped or terminated. It mean you can lose your instance any point of time.

Spot Block

It is the strategy that you can block the time 1 to 6 hours to make you instance can't be interrupt.

How to terminate Spot instance ?

Everytime we would like to have spot instance , we need to create spot request to define the spec and spot max price . Next when we want to terminate we command to terminate the instance but It will aumatically create new spot request so you must first cancel a spot request and then terminate the associate spot instance

Spot Fleets

It is a feature that allow us to automcatically request spot instances with the lowest price


  • Batch Job

  • workload that are resilient to failure

(5) Dedicated Host

It is plan to have your own physical server EC2 instance. It allow you to address compliance requirements. This is the most expensive option.


  • Softwarer that have complicated licensing model or for the companies that have strong regulatory or compliance needs

(6) Dedicated Instances

Instance run on hardware that is dedicated to you.

(7) Capacity Reservations

It reserve the instance and always have access to EC2 when you need it, but you need to pay On-demand whether you run instances or not. (specific AZ)


  • short-term (workloads that needs to be in a specific AZ)

Last updated